Buses & Shuttles

Bus Service in the Greater Danbury Region

HARTransit offers several public bus services as outlined below. We encourage all riders to review the rider rules.



Fixed route bus service on Weekdays and Saturdays in the Greater Danbury region.
See City Bus System Map pdf>


Hours of Operation*

Monday - Friday • 6A - 6P

Saturdays • 8A - 5 P

*Except 7Link; See 7Link details, below.


Route • Town Park - Hospital in Danbury


Route • Newtown Rd - Stony Hill in Danbury and Bethel


 Route • Mill Plain Rd - Brewster in Danbury and Brewster


 Route • Brookfield - YMCA in Danbury and Brookfield


 Route • Bethel Center in Bethel


 Route • Danbury Mall - Lake Ave in Danbury


 Route • New Milford - Rt 7 in Danbury, Brookfield and New Milford 



LOOP route bus service on Evenings, Saturdays, and Sundays in the Greater Danbury region.

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday • 5P - 10:30P

Saturdays • 5P - 10:30P
Sundays • 9A - 7P


8 LOOP Route - Danbury Mall-Mill Plain Rd >>


9 LOOP Route - New Milford-Route 7 >>


10 LOOP Route - Hospital-Rose Hill >>


17 LOOP Route - Newtown Rd-Bethel >>


Fixed route bus service for commuters to MetroNorth train stations in Southeast, Katonah, and Brewster. View System Map>>


 Danbury Brewster Shuttle


 Ridgefield Katonah Shuttle


New Fairfield Southeast Shuttle


15 Route - 7 Link >>  

Danbury - Norwalk in Danbury, Norwalk, Redding, Ridgefield and Wilton


Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday • 6:35 A - 10:30 A
Monday - Friday • 3:30 P - 6:25 P



Snow Routes

Click here to see a list of adjustments to each route when on snow routes>


Rider Alerts

In the event of route delays or detours due to inclement weather, alerts will be posted to the website and twitter.
Major emergency announcements will be made on local radio stations.
Website Alerts, Twitter and Facebook Announcements
To get the latest news and service information updates visit:
HARTransit home page for alerts or 
X (Twitter) and Facebook for announcements.

Radio Announcements

Listen for announcements regarding HARTransit dalays and detours during major emergencies by tuning in to:
  • WLAD 800 AM / 94.1 FM
  • WDAQ 98.3 FM
  • Or call 203.744.4070