SweetHART provides transportation services for Seniors and Persons with a Disability. There are several SweetHART options:
Dial-A-Ride is a door-to-door transportation service for seniors age 65 or older and persons of any age with a mobility disability. Dial-A-Ride service is available in Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield, New Fairfield, Newtown and Ridgefield. Service polices and availability varies by town. More Info>>
Half Fare
Half Fare is available to Seniors and Persons with a Disability. Just fill out an application for a SweetHART ID card and you can ride CityBus at half the cost. Fare Info>>
ADA Paratransit
ADA Paratransit is a door-to-door transportation service for individuals of any age with a physical or cognitive disability that prevents them from using CityBus. Trips that qualify as ADA Paratransit must have origins and destinations that are within the ADA service area, typically 3/4 of a mile of the CityBus system, and occur within the same hours of operation. ADA Paratransit service is available in Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield and New Milford. More Info>>
Chose an Option. I am...
Dial-a-Ride and Half Fare for Seniors En español> Em português>
ADA Paratransit for Persons with a Disability En español> Em português>
Dial-a-Ride for Persons with Disabilities Application En español> Em português>
Cost (exact change required)
$1.00 – SweetHART One-Way
$3.00 – ADA priority trips
$4.00 – Same day trips
To purchase SweetHART Passes
SweetHART Fares Information >>
Apply to Ride
The first step to using SweetHART is completing an application. Applications are available in the links above, or call 203-744-4070 to request one by mail. Partially completed applications will not be accepted.
Application may be faxed, mailed or emailed to info@hartransit.com. Make sure
the copy of your identification is legible and do not send originals to our office.
Partially completed applications will not be accepted.
Mail to: 62 Federal Road, Danbury CT 06810
SweetHART Contact Information
Phone: 203-744-4070
- Press 2 for Cancellations, Confirmations & Will Calls (Medical Trips Only)
- Press 3 for Reservations
- Press 6 for Lost & Found.
- Press 7 for Pass Sales and Schedule Information.
- Press 8 for Certification Questions & Customer Comments.
- Ext. 232 for ADA Next Day Reservations on Weekends & Holidays.
Fax: 203-744-0764
SweetHART Videos>
View informative videos covering how to register, make redervations and ride.
Click below to see a printable detailed document on SweetHART Dial-a-Ride policies:
What is SweetHART Dial-a-Ride Service?> En español> Em português>
Click below to see a printable detailed document on SweetHART ADA Paratransit policies:
What is SweetHART ADA Paratransit Service?> En español> Em português>
Weather Alerts
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or call the HARTransit office: 203.744.4070