Booking Trips in Advance
ADA Paratransit Trips:
To request a trip, call 203-744-4070, Option 3
Monday - Friday: 7:00am to 4:30pm
ADA Paratransit trips can be scheduled as early as the Monday morning two calendar weeks in advance of the requested trip, or as late as 4:30 pm the day before the trip. On weekends or holidays when the scheduling office is closed, next-day trip requests can be left by voicemail by calling 203-744-4070, Ext. 232.
SweetHART Dial-A-Ride Trips:
To request a trip, call 203-744-4070, Option 3
Monday - Friday: 7:00am to 4:00pm
SweetHART Dial-A-Ride trips can be scheduled as early as the Monday morning two weeks calendar weeks in advance of the requested trip, or as late as 4pm the weekday ahead of the trip.
When you call, the scheduler will give you a 30 minute window of time for which we will attempt to schedule your trip. We will call you back if we cannot schedule your trip within that window. Otherwise, anticipate that your bus will arrive during the time span given you.
Standing Booking Requests
Peak Calling Period
Mondays 7 to 11 am. With limited space in the schedule, many riders book trips as soon as they can. To accommodate the large volume of requests on Monday mornings reservation requests called in between 7 and 11 am on Monday with at least one week of advance notice are considered equally. This means that there is no advantage to calling at 7 a.m. as opposed to any other time up to 11 a.m., and there is no need to rush to be the first to call. We call this the Peak Calling Period, and it plays a role in prioritizing trips.
Please note that the peak calling period will be moved to Tuesday if the scheduling office is closed Monday in observance of a holiday.
Trip Scheduling Priority
ADA Paratransit Trips:
ADA Paratransit trips have scheduling priority over SweetHART Dial-A-Ride trips in all cases. ADA Paratransit trip requests will not be denied. However, if multiple ADA Paratansit trips cannot all be accommodated at the exact times requested, some trip requests may be moved up to one hour so long as the passenger will not be late for appointments. Generally trips called later are more likely to be adjusted.
SweetHART Dial-A-Ride Trips:
After ADA Paratransit trips, the following SweetHART Dial-A-Ride trips are given equal priority as to the time of the call:
- Trips requested by phone two weeks in advance
- Trips requests made by phone on Monday mornings between 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. the calendar week prior to the requested trip .
- Standing Booking Requests
If there is a conflict between trips requested in this manner, priority is given to the passenger with the more reliable riding history over the last 60 days.
Limiting trip cancellations will improve your chances to get preferred pick-up times.
All other booking requests made after the peak calling period are considered on a first-call/first-served basis.
Same Day Trips
Please note: Same day trip requests can only be booked Monday through Friday 7:00am - 4:00pm. and cannot be booked for evenings, weekends or holidays.
Will-Calls (Medical Trips Only - Until 2pm)
Canceling Your Trip
To cancel your ride, call 203.744.4070 option 2.
ADA Paratransit Trips:
Please cancel ADA Paratransit trips with at least two hours advance notice.
SweetHART Dial-A-Ride Trips:
Please cancel SweetHART Dial-A-Ride trips with at least twelve hours advance notice.
Last minute cancellations leave open space on buses that could have been used by passengers denied reservations.
No-Show & Late Cancellation Policy
- There are 6 or more late cancellations OR 3 or more no-shows alone during the prior 60-calendar-day period.
- The violations amount to 15% or more of all trips scheduled for the period.
Warning Letters and Penalties
- First occasion: Written warning
- Second occasion: Second written warning
- Third occasion: One-week suspension
- Four or more occasions: Two-week suspension
Letters notifying passengers of a suspension offer the passenger an opportunity to request a hearing with the Operations Manager to appeal the suspension before it is enforced. The hearing provides the passenger an opportunity to explain any mitigating circumstances that may prompt a reconsideration of the suspension. Passengers may request the hearing either verbally or in writing, and the suspension is delayed until the Operations Manager makes a final decision.
SweetHART Videos>
View informative videos covering how to register, make redervations and ride.
Click below to see a printable detailed document on SweetHART Dial-a-Ride policies:
What is SweetHART Dial-a-Ride Service?> En español> Em português>
Click below to see a printable detailed document on SweetHART ADA Paratransit policies:
What is SweetHART ADA Paratransit Service?> En español> Em português>